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Please refer to our disclaimer

We're trying our best to satisfy everybody, however, we have to delete some posts in order to keep the atmosphere. The deletion itself does NOT mean the discussion is wrong or right, it only means it's improper then.

Please keep in mind that the posting is a privillege and not a right, although the forum is open to public, but it's not public-owned. For more info, please refer to the disclaimer shown in the following link.

Sorry for the trouble. To avoid waste of typing, please post with an ID, then the deleted message will be sent back to you via email. Thank you for your co-op.

by sailor (Sailor) at 2001.5.31 14:29

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 站务管理 / Please refer to our disclaimer
    We're trying our best to satisfy everybody, however, we have to delete some posts in order to keep the atmosphere. The deletion itself does NOT mean the discussion is wrong or right, it only means it's improper then.

    Please keep in mind that the posting is a privillege and not a right, although the forum is open to public, but it's not public-owned. For more info, please refer to the disclaimer shown in the following link.

    Sorry for the trouble. To avoid waste of typing, please post with an ID, then the deleted message will be sent back to you via email. Thank you for your co-op.

    by sailor (Sailor) at 2001.5.31 14:29
    • I think you should inform us before your deletion and tell us why it is improper. Then we will try to avoid such kind of postings. Anyway, thank you for your work!
      • Thank you very much for your advice! We will.
        • You are welcome!