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The fair lady with no regrets

You say "Let's dance"
And I follow
My moves are gauche
You crush my feet
I fear the fools
I am vainly at loss for words
To account for your life, so
You lie, my sister,
You break my heart
I think, you know
Mistakes, never
I listen, you speak
I don't understand quite well
The fair lady with no regrets

I cry, you laugh
I sing, you shout
You sow the seeds
Of a wrong oak tree
My wheat is blown away
You are fed up
I'm waiting, always
My cries are muffled
You lie, my sister
You break my heart
I think, you know
Mistakes, never
I listen, you speak
I don't understand quite well
The fair lady with no regrets...


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 今晚感到一阵阵的酸楚,心痛得厉害,我被多件事情搞得脑子很凌乱,简直觉得自己整个身心都分裂了。一向认为,男女之间的关系除了亲人就是情人,根本不会有第三种。A:亲人情人合为一体;B:亲人情人并非一体。请问,你属于A还是B?怎么处理这种关系的? +2
    • 嗯,“男女之间的关系”。。。把中间的“之间的”三个字去掉就好分析了。。。
    • 也存在非亲非情的关系的。
    • 你什么时候能把打炮和感情切割开来,你的世界就没这么困惑了。 +6
    • 【翻译:】楼主想上 对方不允 楼主困惑 又不是亲人干嘛不让上😂 +2
    • 看不懂你要问啥。男女之间不是亲人就是情人? 你和希拉里是亲人还是情人? +8
      • 淘宝上都叫亲 +2
    • 你这一思考,几十亿的情人一下子都断了,可不得心痛么?你这是要让女生躲着你走的节奏。 +8
    • 和父母关系也算男女关系啊。老姨,老舅,二大爷,3 大姑,表婶,堂侄 ....
      • 这不都是亲人么 你进了楼主的坑了
        • 重磅敲心啊。
    • 送你一段大师们为你量身定制的美妙旋律,听醉了就不再酸楚了:

      The fair lady with no regrets

      You say "Let's dance"
      And I follow
      My moves are gauche
      You crush my feet
      I fear the fools
      I am vainly at loss for words
      To account for your life, so
      You lie, my sister,
      You break my heart
      I think, you know
      Mistakes, never
      I listen, you speak
      I don't understand quite well
      The fair lady with no regrets

      I cry, you laugh
      I sing, you shout
      You sow the seeds
      Of a wrong oak tree
      My wheat is blown away
      You are fed up
      I'm waiting, always
      My cries are muffled
      You lie, my sister
      You break my heart
      I think, you know
      Mistakes, never
      I listen, you speak
      I don't understand quite well
      The fair lady with no regrets...

      • 不错!有调调。
    • 把闹钟提早一小时,啥烦恼都没了。 +2
      • 那就成了自愿的996,为资本家当走狗。 +1
        • 老荡发明了新词是啥意思吗? +1
          • better see a dr. for mental health checking
          • 怎么可能是我发明的?我哪里会有那种本事?上等人在拾马云的牙慧说事,我们低端人口不过是跟在后面拾上等人的牙慧而已。
      • 什么?我每次都比闹钟早一小时醒来。 +2
    • easy, easy +2