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我有一个建议, 可能会伤害你们

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛各位即将移民和已经移民的兄弟姐妹,
我有一个建议, 可能会伤害你们, 再此首先说一声:SORRY!
我只是建议我们能不能在这里多交流一些实际的问题:比如说工作、购房、汽车、教育、投资等等。如果您实在是钱多的不需要为这些问题劳神,对这些没兴趣,您可以谈一谈富人的生活,意大利歌剧,高尔夫球赛, 还有友谊的故事,罗曼的故事,成功的故事。。。
至于北京该不该申奥,中国该不该民主, 美国该不该上NMD,这些问题永远辩论不出答案,谁也说服不了谁。政府的事情很多的暗箱操作,中国这样, 美国加拿大也是这样。如果您觉得这种辩论增长智慧,锻炼逻辑,我就没什么好说的了。
关于种族歧视,我不在加拿大,只是听说有glass celling, 但是我认为加拿大是一个商业社会, 我不太相信如果你能为公司带来更高的利润,公司会用一个glass celling限制你。这违反商业的基本规则。公司表面上是由老板运作, 实际上说了算的是市场,Fair Enough, right?
最后,我的爱国的定义。在加拿大, 如果你真的爱国的话,就要努力工作, 赢得社会的尊敬, 爱你的家人。让其他国家的人知道中国人的优秀和勤劳。申奥成功你一夜没睡, 或者在这个论坛上大骂腐败, 好像和爱国都远了点儿。
ROLIA是大陆移民的家, 希望这里不要成为党派论战的战场。
当然, 言论是自由的!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 站务管理 / 我有一个建议, 可能会伤害你们
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛各位即将移民和已经移民的兄弟姐妹,
    我有一个建议, 可能会伤害你们, 再此首先说一声:SORRY!
    我只是建议我们能不能在这里多交流一些实际的问题:比如说工作、购房、汽车、教育、投资等等。如果您实在是钱多的不需要为这些问题劳神,对这些没兴趣,您可以谈一谈富人的生活,意大利歌剧,高尔夫球赛, 还有友谊的故事,罗曼的故事,成功的故事。。。
    至于北京该不该申奥,中国该不该民主, 美国该不该上NMD,这些问题永远辩论不出答案,谁也说服不了谁。政府的事情很多的暗箱操作,中国这样, 美国加拿大也是这样。如果您觉得这种辩论增长智慧,锻炼逻辑,我就没什么好说的了。
    关于种族歧视,我不在加拿大,只是听说有glass celling, 但是我认为加拿大是一个商业社会, 我不太相信如果你能为公司带来更高的利润,公司会用一个glass celling限制你。这违反商业的基本规则。公司表面上是由老板运作, 实际上说了算的是市场,Fair Enough, right?
    最后,我的爱国的定义。在加拿大, 如果你真的爱国的话,就要努力工作, 赢得社会的尊敬, 爱你的家人。让其他国家的人知道中国人的优秀和勤劳。申奥成功你一夜没睡, 或者在这个论坛上大骂腐败, 好像和爱国都远了点儿。
    ROLIA是大陆移民的家, 希望这里不要成为党派论战的战场。
    当然, 言论是自由的!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • I totally agree with your points!
    • Good
    • you are right absolutely!
    • 9494. I am so boring about this kind "garbage" topic. I mean nonsense topic. And it made sailor so dilematic to deal with them.
      In fact he is the host of this forum and he require us not to talk about political topic of china
      • you have no right to say these are garbage topic. maybe some topics are not proper to discuss here, but they're not garbage.
        • Did you read the quotation marks of garbage and nonsence?
          • whatever they're nonsense or not, you shouldn't call them garbage.
    • totally agree with u
    • 我有点不明白,你说“言论是自由的!”, 又建议不要谈这个不要谈那个。到底说什么是谁来决定的? 另外你不喜欢谈政治,以前有人不喜欢谈腐败,还有人讨厌小情小调,每个人都来决定不许说什么,那我们还谈什么?
      • You got the point. I don't know why some people are SO afraid of some topics and just want to live like a zombie.
    • 本来就是嘛!
    • 不敢苟同. 同是移民, 大家处于不同阶段, 兴趣爱好也不同, 来ROLIA寻找的东西不同, 为什么要加以限制? 除了吃喝拉撒睡, 还有其他的东西. 有话题, 有跟贴,就说明有人感兴趣. 和移民相关的不只一些"实际问题", 你说呢?
      • the problem is, if talk too much sensitive politics issues, rolia.com maybe banned by chinese goventment, that will ruined rolia and the friends in china, that is what sailor worrying about, right:)))). pls...
        • 我明白, 但是话题限制太死, 其实也限制了很多人. 政治的东西, 大家应该克制. 批判还是可以批判. 其实这点批评我们都如此担心, 还有什么必要歌颂党啊. 宪法规定我们有言论自由, 莫非IT IS JUST A JOKE? SAILOR会有分寸的:)
          • yes, it is joke. do you still believe in chinese constitution? do you believe in you 当家作主?ai, like Chairman Jiang said:why you guys still so naive?
          • You are so naive. In fact it waste a long time to talk about it. CPP is break the constitute, why not some people such as goobaby, liittle boat etc. protect the laws of china?
            If someone love his country, please protect the constution first!!! Or the other people can think you aren't a patriot. my god! Someone can't talk about it in forum especial in CAN for it would be canceled by sailor, which made sailor so nervous. who make this mistake. If you do interest talking this topic with them, do it. I was tried.
            • what do you mean? I don't understand.
          • i just donot want to rolia talk "chinese" politics, and i respect most of your other opinion:)
        • How about spilt this forum into two, one for pure immigration issue, one for other? Everybody happy, right? If sailer have problem to support this idea, maybe we could setup a new new.
          • BUT,there are a lot of politics forum on online, like 北美自由论坛。你可以看到各种政治势利在那儿交锋,i see no need to set up a new one or parts of rolia becomes like that, any ideas?
          • i do hope to setup a web, talk more of new business opportunities in toronto, like RF, ASIC, VIDEO, FUNITURE and so on. Let's build our new hope in Canada for us and our children....
            • Good idea!
      • In my opinion you are maybe the first one break the rule, which nobody talk about chinese political topic in this forum. Pls keep in mind sailor is the host of this forum.
        BTW actually I agree with most of opinion about china. But the fact is no one can persuade other people at all. I think you should know how to convince others. that is fact.
      • 每次政治话题总是能热闹,这说明还是有很多人有兴趣。

        • 建议大家多讨论关于加拿大政治的话题,我觉得更实际一点,也有利于中国移民更好地参与社会,毕竟我们是在这儿扎根了。

          • YES! we need to talk "our" politics rather than that we can only talk but can do nothing:)
            • You think you can do something on the Canadian politics??? Chinese taling about China is something more than natural as long as the forum is not explicitly defined as"non-Chinese politics topics only".
              Maybe one way to get rid of those topics is to state clearly in the disclaimer that no Chinese-political-related topics-allowed in this forum, if Sailor is willing to do so. By so doing these talks will be able to be filtered as soon as they appear. Otherwise, people still talk and debates still go on. Diversity IS the nature of human community and you can not deny that. You want only FB. He wants the so-called politics and I want both.
              • Why he can not do anything on the canadian politics??? Of course, now most of us are just immigrate, but after we get the citizenship, we can do something by our vote.
                • Oh, yeah, I forgot this. The right takes effect much faster than Chinese citizenship does.
    • 太对了,申奥的话题吵吵闹闹的,噪音!