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I apologize for didn't make the initial purpose of the voting system, clear.

It's exactly as what bloor said in his post #48900.

What I've been thinking about the using of this voting system is actually something linked to our activity, or something linked to our Canadian lives or immigration stuff.

And I've mentioned this is only the *first* phase, in this phase it opens to members only. This is because of the technical issue: For voting system open to public, I have to develop another set of database tables because of their different attributes.

I do understand the guest's article #48713. I'll try my best to make everyone happy and satisfied. It needs time. :-)

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 站务管理 / I apologize for didn't make the initial purpose of the voting system, clear.
    It's exactly as what bloor said in his post #48900.

    What I've been thinking about the using of this voting system is actually something linked to our activity, or something linked to our Canadian lives or immigration stuff.

    And I've mentioned this is only the *first* phase, in this phase it opens to members only. This is because of the technical issue: For voting system open to public, I have to develop another set of database tables because of their different attributes.

    I do understand the guest's article #48713. I'll try my best to make everyone happy and satisfied. It needs time. :-)
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