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Unless she buys a happy meal for him.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 昂首阔步小马驹 +1
    • OMG, he is so cute. I love him! 留到周一给呼啦啦看看,she loves him too.
      • Unless she buys a happy meal for him.
    • 好神气啊! ~~ 小朋友, 向右转~~
    • 一看就知道是将军的后代。:)
    • 好可爱。太有气势了。
    • 还是一匹小红马,真神气。
    • 谢诸ID
    • 每次打开你的照片,都很艰难。请注意。
      • How about now? +1
        • 还是慢,但总算可以打开。长大了一点儿,会是栋梁的,会是未来的MARCUS的。也会被小女生记在心里的。
        • 这衣服搭配是你的手笔?从小就有爷爷的风范哈。赞一个。
          • His mom. God you even use the word MARCUS. Thanks
            • 他的名字也叫MARCUS?难道?
              • No but the name often refers to
                someone sexually stunning, fly, and incredibly well dressed with many talents, in and out of the bedroom..
                • MARCUS和EDWARD, AMBROSE等等男生名字一样,都是英国人用得比较多,北美用得比较少。