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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 我想要个这个,如果是真的话!
    • LOL。。。I get everything except the "stop moaning" part..
      • Gear UP!
    • Make your dreams come true.
      • Mail order dolls >_<!
    • LOL,想的美
      • 梦想的天空么!
    • 我只需要一个按钮 LOL
      • WHICH ONE?
        • Action!~~~LOL
          • Where, where?
        • 保密,嘿嘿
      • “forget”. 就像"Man in Black" 里面那个抹除记忆的装置。
        • Cheese!
        • 这个也太很了,全方位修正啊
    • 真的可比这个好,要什么来别的,总有surprise
    • LOL~~~有梦就好~~
    • Warning: a lifetime fee may apply.
      • ...Early termination may result a significant amount of penalty.
        • Viewer Discretion Is Advised!
          • I knew you like this!
            • grumpy cat!
              • What do you call this one?

                • 五哥?Y(^_^)Y
                  • LOL!
                  • 呼呼呼呼!!!!
                  • 猴掌拨水皮。。 +1
                    • 你水皮啵
                    • LOL!

                      • hehehe。
    • ZT:朋友刚买的Apple Watch,今天告诉我们说,苹果表真心好用,周末他出去逛街,走路时突然有尿意,直接对着Apple Watch大喊一声“想去厕所!”,立马就为他查好并规划了路线,他只要顺着导航走上两个小时就到了~~
      • LOL ~~~万幸没有迷路~
      • iwatch应该弹出一个尿盆
        • ewwwwww