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就这句吧:"What does not kill you makes you stronger." ~~~


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 【小混】就是想知道一下你的分享。请问:
    • 好, 好,好,
    • 有一阶段看了一点尼采,感到头痛,就不去看了,到是看菜谱比较有兴趣,所以我是一个能把陆地动物和海洋动物搅在一起的好厨娘,我的哲学来自于生活,跟荡木君是两个路子。
      • 一个才女,一个才子,
        • 不一样,我喜欢运动型的阳光大男生,荡木君喜欢听话的小女人,他喜欢谈尼采,我喜欢聊美食。
          • 我是说都有才这一点上
            • 荡木君是真有才,我是在吃上面有点造诣,至于其他就是一般水平,跟荡木君没法比。
              • 旁观者清
      • Lol 还记着呢~应该是搅进一个family tree 上^_^
        • 我喜欢你的那个说法,作为喜欢做饭的我来说,那是最好的评价。
          • 你写的东西真情实感细腻清新,有文采又有内容。
            • 谢谢!就是本色表达,写的都是自己生活中的小事情,经历太少,阅览也浅,写不出荡木君那么有争议的文章,所以只能是一个个性写手。
              • 今天比较累,看了你的帖子断错句了。
                • 哈!哈!哈!我明白,千万别往那方面想,这坛子被玩童他们给ZT的越来越那啥了。
                  • 才女+美女=弯弯绕女
                    • 才男+帅男=直直型男
                      • 老拙+老朽=陈腐昏庸
                        • 少壮+少艾=英武清雅
                          • 两位继续,继续。。。
      • 我转了一篇。你看一下。在下面。
    • 就是把冻生肉,草莓和酸奶用blender做smoothie,喝下去的感觉。 +1
      • 哈!哈!哈!
        • 啥意思?你明白了?
      • TALL, TALL 实在是 TALL。
      • 煤老板同学,元宵节快乐。记下了,会慢慢理解。你比老农同学还老农。
    • 把荡木君的一篇文字转过来。题目是:【解"诗人侃哲学"】与尼采有关。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛解"诗人侃哲学"
      (2016-02-07 08:53:00)

      BY 荡木君

      海德格尔说诗人是在世界的暗夜中呼唤圣灵的人-This is why the poet in the time of the world's night utters the holy"。


      与海德格尔思想中的大多数命题一样,对诗人的推崇,源自尼采。在 Thus Spoke Zarathustra 中,借用查拉图撕特拉这个象征形象,尼采栩栩如生地展示了他心目中的理想诗人。

      诗人的使命是撒谎。那么我们为什么需要诗人?进而言之,我们为什么需要谎言?原因很简单,信仰没有能够给予我们一个可以称之为家园的世界,无论是原始的宗教形式还是文明的宗教形式都没有能够免于腥风血雨。同样,我们曾经相信的"知识就是力量"的知识,除了使我们的"异化"更为"恶化",除了使我们的"科技自我"离我们的"纯真自我"越来越远之外,并没有真正使我们走近"圣灵(the holy)"。

      我们无可选择。我们唯一的拯救只剩下了诗人。对朝生暮死的芸芸众生而言,谎言比真理更重要,梦幻比现实更亲切,然而,这个诗人决不能是一个"纯粹的"诗人,所以尼采说"Yea, changed have I seen the poets, and their glance turned towards themselves. / Penitents of the spirit have I seen appearing; they grew out of the poets.—"。内向反省,这一与"纯粹"的诗人之本质正相反对的品质,使诗人成为后现代文明社会中意味深长的生存模式。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 我过十五撑得肚肚疼,尼采大叔怎么看?必须是尼采说的才行哈:D
        • 句号同学,元宵节好。等着你的阿姨那个故事的后续呢。心焦了都。再不发,都要下班了呢。
          • 小丫头好~今天都早点下班回家过节吧,别听故事了~免得给你们填堵~
            • 句号同学,谢谢。说实话,读你的故事,我从来就没堵过,我的感觉是:温软的心在我的头顶飘来飘去,飘去飘来。融化了的感觉。
        • 就这句吧:"What does not kill you makes you stronger." ~~~
          • 忍俊不禁,笑倒啦。不过不是kelly clarkson的粉。她 and josh groban合唱过phantom of the opera里的片段,从那时开始,就不太愿意听kelly Clarkson。
        • 采石矶同学出手了。你满意那句吗?我们很满意。:)
          • 谢谢支持!
            • 如果你写一首诗,给元宵节,我们更支持你了。看着办。
              • 抄一首应景的吧,相信今晚是有月光的。(清)丘逢甲《元夕无月》三年此夕无月光,明月多应在故乡。欲向海天寻月去,五更飞梦渡鲲洋。
      • 下午,脑子不好使,上一个土家族的打油诗来应付一下:送哥送到豇豆林,手摸豇豆述忠情。要学豇豆成双对,莫学茄子打单身。
    • "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." 原来是尼采说的.
      You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
      One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.
      There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.
      When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.
      He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.
      There are no facts, only interpretations.
      I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.
      The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.
      And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.
      • 原来,多难兴邦是有哲学依据的
        • 没读过尼采, 从这几句话看, 他是偏积极的.
          • 其实就是最早煲鸡汤的几位之一,还把自己给整疯了。现在能做鸡汤的段子手太多了
          • 渐渐改变了对他的看法,确实还比较积极正能量。
      • 很有哲理。单独列出来学习。尼采警局:
        • You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
          • my way or highway?:)
        • There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.
        • One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.
        • When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.
        • He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.
          • 最爱这句,很高大上,但在理,虽然很难做到。 还是糊涂人更幸福吧。尼采太不糊涂,所以最后疯了,糊涂了。
        • There are no facts, only interpretations.
          • 不同意这句,有些消极。
        • I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.
        • The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.
          • * * * * *
        • And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music