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Relax. Here's the rationale

If you report a post, it means you believe that it violates the forum rules, and you are not happy to see it.

Therefore, as soon as you report it, it disappears from your screen, so it no longer bothers you.

When the moderators receive your report, they look into the matter. Then there are two possible outcomes:

If the rule vialation is confirmed by ANY single moderator, actions will be taken -- Mostly it gets deleted. Therefore you will never see it again.

If none of the moderators sees any violation with the post in question, it will stay there. However, since you are not happy with that post, it doesn't show up in your screen so it doesn't bother you any more anyway.

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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 原来你投诉一个违规的贴,后果就是你自己看不到了。这论坛真聪明。过分了吧,咱太笨不来了。请老大封IP。再见! +3
    • 哈哈哈 我也刚发现不久。 +2
    • 最好能一并删除本人所有旧帖。不小心跟一些广告和托儿有些交流,对本人和论坛无益。 +1
    • 你这才发现,哈。这论坛就是喜欢自作聪明地掩耳盗铃。:D +2
    • 😂混论坛 心胸开阔比较舒坦 +4
    • 没有吧。我被右右投诉过挺多次,然后我的帖子就进回收站了。更正:的确,投诉后只是我看不见了,帖子还在 +1
    • Relax. Here's the rationale

      If you report a post, it means you believe that it violates the forum rules, and you are not happy to see it.

      Therefore, as soon as you report it, it disappears from your screen, so it no longer bothers you.

      When the moderators receive your report, they look into the matter. Then there are two possible outcomes:

      If the rule vialation is confirmed by ANY single moderator, actions will be taken -- Mostly it gets deleted. Therefore you will never see it again.

      If none of the moderators sees any violation with the post in question, it will stay there. However, since you are not happy with that post, it doesn't show up in your screen so it doesn't bother you any more anyway.

      • 这个rational。。。掩耳盗铃吧。投诉的目的不是我不想看,而是认为其违反论坛规则。结果投诉之后帖子不见了,都不知道结果如何,有任何一个正规机构会对用户投诉屏蔽结果吗?如果真的看不见,起码发一个通知告诉投诉者结果吧? +2
      • 如果版主决定不删,应该把帖子恢复显示。网友投诉理应得到反馈。
    • 有意思,有人骂你,全世界都知道有人在骂你,就是你不知道,还能这么玩,这逻辑算是肉联独创的 +3